The Discovery Center will provide a day camp for school-age children (6 years to 11 years) from June 20, 2022 – to August 30, 2022.
One field trip a week will be planned when we get all the registration forms back. We need to know the total number of children to make appointments with some of the places for field trips so that we will be able to pick up the dates when it is less crowded for social distancing.
*Enrollment is open now.
As a courtesy service to our customers, we allow you to sign up for the weeks that your child needs care, and bill only for the indicated time. This allows you to plan your family vacations, trips to Grandma’s, etc. without having to pay for unused childcare.
Please note: This is a supplemental form to our standard registration packet and fees. If your school ager is new to our center, you will need to complete the Registration Packet, the Summer Camp Registration Form, and pay all required entrance fees.
Tuition will be billed for the weeks you indicate, and are non-refundable.
Field trips fee will be charged additionally for paid field trips only.
*All meals are included in the price!
**There will be a Summer Camp Project fee of $100.00 due or billed to your account with this registration form. The fee includes your camper’s t-shirt and supplies.
5 days per week: $425
3 days per week: $295 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
End of Summer Bash: $ 196 (August 29,30)
The Discovery Center’s 10% sibling discount will be honored for full-time families.
Summer Camp Week Schedule and Themes 2022
One field trip a week will be planned when we get all the registration forms back. We need to know the total number of children to make appointments with some of the places for field trips so that we will be able to pick up the dates when it is less crowded for social distancing.
*Enrollment is open now.
As a courtesy service to our customers, we allow you to sign up for the weeks that your child needs care, and bill only for the indicated time. This allows you to plan your family vacations, trips to Grandma’s, etc. without having to pay for unused childcare.
Please note: This is a supplemental form to our standard registration packet and fees. If your school ager is new to our center, you will need to complete the Registration Packet, the Summer Camp Registration Form, and pay all required entrance fees.
Tuition will be billed for the weeks you indicate, and are non-refundable.
Field trips fee will be charged additionally for paid field trips only.
*All meals are included in the price!
**There will be a Summer Camp Project fee of $100.00 due or billed to your account with this registration form. The fee includes your camper’s t-shirt and supplies.
5 days per week: $425
3 days per week: $295 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
End of Summer Bash: $ 196 (August 29,30)
The Discovery Center’s 10% sibling discount will be honored for full-time families.
Summer Camp Week Schedule and Themes 2022
Summer Camp Schedule:
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thank you!! We look forward to having your child with us for a fun-filled summer adventure!! |